- 20th, 21st and 22nd December (2019)
- Friday from 19:00 to 21:00 // Saturday from 8:00 to 9:00, 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 // Sunday from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 10:00 to 14:00
- Amalurra Hotel
The journey along the year has been a training to leave the comfort zone and become familiar with our own limits. In this last workshop, once more we will work with those emotions that lead us towards the basic feelings we tend to suppress: anger, fear, sadness and joy. The purpose of this workshop is to consciously apply the power of denied feelings to promote a radical change in our lives.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- Recognize in yourself the different sensations and physical manifestations of each feeling.
- Use the energy of your feelings to obtain responsible results.
- Empathize with what the other feels to enrich your level of communication and mutual intimacy.
- Discover a shared consciousness that transcends the feeling of being separated from each other.
- Activate your potential to develop more responsible and transparent relationships.
- Find light in the shadow, strength in vulnerability, wisdom and creative capacity in fear, productive capability or leadership in anger, communicative and compassionate capability in sadness and maturity in joy.
Workshops schedule:
- Welcome and opening dynamics: Friday from 7pm to 9pm
- Start: Saturday from 8am to 8pm
- Sundays from 8am to 2pm
Group price for participants in the workshops:
Overnight at hostal €13 / lunch € 11 / dinner € 11 / breakfast €4
There are other options for lodging. Please contact the hotel directly for more information.
Hotel Amalurra +34 946 109 540
Bº La Reneja, 35, Artzentales, Bizkaia
1. Please, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/KCG8ZKNA7fwbAK8v9
2. Make a bank transfer to one of the following accounts.
- BBVA: (ES29) 0182-1300 - 12-0201622681
- Laboral Kutxa: (ES43) 3035-0083-21-0830096798
Account holder: Loratze S.L.
Concept: Name and surname + workshop
3. Book your room and meals in case you want to stay at the Amalurra Hotel:
amalurra@amalurra.com / / + 34 946 10 95 40.