- 15th, 16th and 17th March (2019)
- Friday from 19:00 to 21:00 // Saturday from 8:00 to 9:00, 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 // Sunday from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 10:00 to 14:00
- Amalurra Hotel
The second workshop is linked to the archetype of the Healer. The principle that guides the Healer is to pay attention to what has heart and meaning to awaken the individual healing potential of love and compassion.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- Listen to the thoughts that block the feelings that connect us to our heart.
- Delve in the roots of suffering and traumatic memories in order to integrate them and access latent capacities that have not been explored yet.
- Cultivate gratitude and acceptance to reach compassion as a resource that allows us to build bridges towards the other.
Workshops schedule:
- Welcome and opening dynamics: Friday from 7pm to 9pm
- Start: Saturday from 8am to 8pm
- Sundays from 8am to 2pm
ANNUAL PROGRAM (6 workshops and retreat)
- 1600€ (advance payment)
- 1250€ (students)
Group price for participants in the workshops:
overnight €13 / lunch € 10 / dinner € 10 / breakfast €4
Hotel Amalurra +34 946 109 540
Bº La Reneja, 35, Artzentales, Bizkaia
1. Please, fill out this form.
2. Make a bank transfer to one of the following accounts.
- BBVA: (ES29) 0182-1300 - 12-0201622681
- Laboral Kutxa: (ES43) 3035-0083-21-0830096798
Account holder: Loratze S.L.
Concept: Name and surname + workshop
3. Book your room and meals in case you want to stay at the Amalurra Hotel:
amalurra@amalurra.com / / + 34 946 10 95 40.