- 29th of July - 2th August
- July 29th, 30th, 31st, August 1st and 2nd + integration period August 2nd and 3rd
- 673 681 504 // info@irenegoikolea.es
- 673 681 504 // info@irenegoikolea.es
The connection with nature is the most integrative and healing tool we have. Inside the work of awakening to consciousness, a retreat in nature amplifies its effects. The outside world disappears and nature turns into a mirror in which we can look at and listen to ourselves.
This retreat period is a time to calm down the mind and confirm how nature is a safe space, which contains us and helps us connect with that small voice which speaks to us about our deepest longings.
For this reason, spending four days alone in nature, away from the noise of the world, offers the opportunity to access deeper levels of our being, beyond our personal projections. It is in that space where we can discover our direction or our genuine purpose in life.
Workshop “Embracing the shadow” + retreat in nature and integration sessions: 700€
Further information +34 673 681 504 // info@irenegoikolea.es
1. Please, fill out this form.
2. Make a bank transfer to one of the following accounts.
• BBVA: (ES29) 0182-1300 - 12-0201622681
• Laboral Kutxa: (ES43) 3035-0083-21-0830096798
3. Book your room and meals in case you want to stay at the Amalurra Hotel:
amalurra@amalurra.com / / + 34 946 10 95 40.