A workshop is a safe and protected space in which Irene Goikolea works in tune with the relational field, that is, the space that is generated in the interrelation with others. This field is made up of visible aspects, as well as unconscious emotional processes. Moreover, it encompasses beyond the individual. That´s why in a workshop, each participant acts as a window through which not just individual contents emerge, but also collective contents that are closely linked to the most pressing current issues affecting humankind. A workshop opens the possibility to become aware of those issues to be able to transform them and live as individuals that participate in a more awaken and sustainable culture.
Working with collective contents out of the personal issues that emerge supports the individual to penetrate different levels of depth, reflect on the experiences of the past and visualize the aspects that are blocking his or her own personal growth to open up to the possibilities that emerge from the future.
When we access our depth, we find the “other” as our own mirror and, when we access the essence, we can experience ourselves as part of a unitary whole. Exploring and integrating these levels provides us with wholeness and freedom. This connection between what’s individual and collective turns these encounters into healing experiential laboratories of both individual and collective memories.
The workshops’ design includes working with different archetypes, since they contain features and personal qualities that all human beings share. As Jung defines them, archetypes are innate and inherited structures that inhabit in the land of our unconscious. Along the history of humanity, these structures have served as learning patterns in which we can find the knowledge we need to evolve towards a higher version of ourselves.
The archetypes that inspire each workshop are: The Warrior, the Healer, the Visionary, the Shadow and the Teacher. Angeles Arrien, renowned anthropologist, built up the research on the relationship of some of these archetypes with nature, the seasons of the year, the four elements and the ancestors, as well as their fundamental qualities, their power tools and their dark aspects.
By invoking these archetypes, their qualities and shadow emerge in an organic and experiential way in these workshops, in relation to the life experience of the participants, which conforms a continuous process along this annual journey. That makes each workshop a unique experience for each participant, as well as a transforming container of the human contents that need be processed and integrated in order to give way to new understandings that contribute to the resolution of conflicts and to an integral well-being.
During a workshop, Irene Goikolea facilitates the processes that unfold, paying special attention to the unconscious dynamics that emerge through signs, synchronicity, dreams, feelings and somatic experiences. These aspects provide us with great information about our deepest dimension. However, we marginalize or ignore them because we perceive them as threatening. But this does not prevent them from acting unconsciously, determining the quality of our relationships, health, or personal growth.
Through the practice of Mindfulness, or conscious attention, Irene Goikolea invites the participants to acknowledge the reality of their circumstances and to get out of denial of what there is (dissatisfaction, illness, poverty, rage, pain, ambition...). This is the first step to walk towards transformation and freedom. The next step is to accept that reality in order to include everything it contains. Then, it is about exploring the depth of our body, feelings and mind.
In the dynamics of the workshops, the symptoms and corporal sensations that appear are the gateway to an altered state of consciousness from which extract both individual and collective information related to the field. This information is then oriented to acquiring and developing a higher level of knowledge, understanding and compassion. Working with body sensations allows access to a wide range of feelings that also need to be acknowledged and accepted.
Finally, opening ourselves to explore the mind, puts us in contact with our prejudices, judgments, thoughts or beliefs that keep us within a limited structure. But when we look at them more closely, they stop controlling us and limiting our freedom.
- Sharing circle
- Mindfulness
- Relational constellations
- Free and guided body dynamics
- Systemic rituals
- Transparent communication
- To reveal the healing information that physical, psychological, and emotional imbalances contain.
- To become aware of the aspects of our personality that we consider negative to integrate and transform them into creative energy.
- To develop interpersonal and relational skills to participate responsibly and cooperatively in all the fields of life (couple, family, work...).
- To face excluded and unresolved family situations that have an effect in our health and emotional balance, from a systemic and transgenerational perspective.
- To come out of the continuous repetition of the past (inferior drama) to be able to connect with the multiple possibilities of the future and live with a higher level of connection with the other.
Irene Goikolea, facilitator, integral coach and PhD in depth psychology, has spent the last 25 years working for the awakening of consciousness, facilitating individual and group processes for personal growth and development. Throughout her career, she has promoted a work of conscious evolution that goes beyond our conditioned ideas about who we are, based on an eclectic methodology that includes the wisdom of the ancestral legacy of her Basque roots.
With warmth, depth and accuracy, she encourages us to discover the inherent power, wisdom and compassion that we need to awaken and balance to have a positive impact on our environment and on society.
Irene Goikolea has inspired the Amalurra project, a reference among the most consolidated intentional communities in Europe.
TRAINING: PhD in depth psychology by the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara (California). Training in family constellations, systemic rituals, shamanism, Integral Coaching®, NLP, Hakomi, and Process Work. In addition, she has been trained in yoga and Reiki, among other disciplines.
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